ibatis 翻页存储过程 group by 语句不好用10 翻页的过程 USE [searchManage] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[p_ListPage] Script Date: 08/31/2012 15:57:53 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[p_ListPage] ( @tblName varchar(max), ----要显示的表或多个表的连接 @fldName nvarchar(2000)= '*' , ----要显示的字段列表 @pageSize int = 1, ----每页显示的记录个数 @page int = 10, ----要显示那一页的记录 @pageCount int = 1 output, ----查询结果分页后的总页数 @Counts int = 1 output, ----查询到的记录数 @fldSort nvarchar(200) = null, ----排序字段列表或条件 @Sort bit = 0, ----排序方法,1为升序,0为降序(如果是多字段排列Sort指代最后一个排序字段的排列顺序(最后一个排序字段不加排序标记)--程序传参如:' SortA Asc,SortB Desc,SortC ') @strCondition nvarchar(1000) = null, ----查询条件,不需where @ID nvarchar(150), ----主表的主键 @Dist bit = 0 ----是否添加查询字段的 DISTINCT 默认0不添加/1添加 ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON Declare @sqlTmp nvarchar(max) ----存放动态生成的SQL语句 Declare @strTmp nvarchar(max) ----存放取得查询结果总数的查询语句 Declare @strID nvarchar(1000) ----存放取得查询开头或结尾ID的查询语句 Declare @strSortType nvarchar(500) ----数据排序规则A Declare @strFSortType nvarchar(500) ----数据排序规则B Declare @SqlSelect nvarchar(500) ----对含有DISTINCT的查询进行SQL构造 Declare @SqlCounts nvarchar(500) ----对含有DISTINCT的总数查询进行SQL构造 if @Dist = 0 begin set @SqlSelect = 'select ' set @SqlCounts = 'Count(*)' end else begin set @SqlSelect = 'select distinct ' set @SqlCounts = 'Count(DISTINCT '+@ID+')' end if @Sort=0 begin set @strFSortType=' DESC ' set @strSortType=' ASC ' end else begin set @strFSortType=' ASC ' set @strSortType=' DESC ' end --------生成查询语句-------- --此处@strTmp为取得查询结果数量的语句 if @strCondition is null or @strCondition='' --没有设置显示条件 begin set @sqlTmp = @fldName + ' From ' + @tblName set @strTmp = @SqlSelect+' @Counts='+@SqlCounts+' FROM '+@tblName set @strID = ' From ' + @tblName end else begin set @sqlTmp = + @fldName + 'From ' + @tblName + ' where (1>0) ' + @strCondition set @strTmp = @SqlSelect+' @Counts='+@SqlCounts+' FROM '+@tblName + ' where (1>0) ' + @strCondition set @strID = ' From ' + @tblName + ' where (1>0) ' + @strCondition end ----取得查询结果总数量----- exec sp_executesql @strTmp,N'@Counts int out ',@Counts out declare @tmpCounts int if @Counts = 0 set @tmpCounts = 1 else set @tmpCounts = @Counts --取得分页总数 set @pageCount=(@tmpCounts+@pageSize-1)/@pageSize /**//**当前页大于总页数 取最后一页**/ if @page>@pageCount set @page=@pageCount --/*-----数据分页2分处理-------*/ declare @pageIndex int --总数/页大小 declare @lastcount int --总数%页大小 set @pageIndex = @tmpCounts/@pageSize set @lastcount = @tmpCounts%@pageSize if @lastcount > 0 set @pageIndex = @pageIndex + 1 else set @lastcount = @pagesize --//***显示分页 if @strCondition is null or @strCondition='' --没有设置显示条件 begin if @pageIndex<2 or @page<=@pageIndex / 2 + @pageIndex % 2 --前半部分数据处理 begin set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize as VARCHAR(4))+' '+ @fldName+' from '+@tblName +' where '+@ID+' not in('+ @SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize*(@page-1) as Varchar(20)) +' '+ @ID +' from '+@tblName +' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strFSortType+')' +' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strFSortType end else begin set @page = @pageIndex-@page+1 --后半部分数据处理 if @page <= 1 --最后一页数据显示 set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+' * from ('+@SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@lastcount as VARCHAR(4))+' '+ @fldName+' from '+@tblName +' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strSortType+') AS TempTB'+' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strFSortType else set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+' * from ('+@SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize as VARCHAR(4))+' '+ @fldName+' from '+@tblName +' where '+@ID+' not in('+ @SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize*(@page-2)+@lastcount as Varchar(20)) +' '+ @ID +' from '+@tblName +' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strSortType+')' +' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strSortType+') AS TempTB'+' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strFSortType end end else --有查询条件 begin if @pageIndex<2 or @page<=@pageIndex / 2 + @pageIndex % 2 --前半部分数据处理 begin set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize as VARCHAR(4))+' '+ @fldName +' from '+@tblName +' where '+@ID+' not in('+ @SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize*(@page-1) as Varchar(20)) +' '+ @ID +' from '+@tblName +' Where (1>0) ' + @strCondition + ' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strFSortType+')' +' ' + @strCondition + ' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strFSortType end else begin set @page = @pageIndex-@page+1 --后半部分数据处理 if @page <= 1 --最后一页数据显示 set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+' * from ('+@SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@lastcount as VARCHAR(4))+' '+ @fldName+' from '+@tblName +' where (1>0) '+ @strCondition +' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strSortType+') AS TempTB'+' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strFSortType else set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+' * from ('+@SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize as VARCHAR(4))+' '+ @fldName+' from '+@tblName +' where '+@ID+' not in('+ @SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize*(@page-2)+@lastcount as Varchar(20)) +' '+ @ID +' from '+@tblName +' where (1>0) '+ @strCondition +' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strSortType+')' + @strCondition +' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strSortType+') AS TempTB'+' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strFSortType end end ------返回查询结果----- --PRINT @strTmp exec sp_executesql @strTmp 我自己的存储过程 USE [searchManage] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[p_ad_hit_selectAll] Script Date: 08/31/2012 16:16:43 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER procedure [dbo].[p_ad_hit_selectAll] @pageSize int, @pageNum int, @begintime varchar(20), @endtime varchar(20), @counts int output, @pageCount int output as begin declare @sql varchar(max); set @sql=' and add_date between '''+@begintime+''' and '''+@endtime+''' group by page_ad_position_id ' exec p_ListPage N't_ad_hit','count(*),page_ad_position_id',@pageSize,@pageNum,@pageCount output,@Counts output,N't_ad_hit.id', 0, @sql, N't_ad_hit.id' print(@sql) --select COUNT(*),t.page_ad_position_id from t_ad_hit as t group by t.page_ad_position_id end t_ad_hit 表结构 id int 主键 page_ad_position_id int ad_pic_id int add_date int hit_ip int 问题描述 当执行我自己存储过程时报 消息 8120,级别 16,状态 1,第 1 行 选择列表中的列 't_ad_hit.id' 无效,因为该列没有包含在聚合函数或 GROUP BY 子句中。 我自己不理解牛人看一下 3 分钟前 s1318601 3 0 0 1 |
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